First Run Features Acquires The Most Dangerous Man In America: Daniel Ellsberg And The Pentagon Papers

Theatrical Release to Begin February 2010

First Run Features announced today its acquisition of The Most Dangerous Man In America: Daniel Ellsberg And The Pentagon Papers, the acclaimed feature documentary from co-filmmakers Judith Ehrlich and Rick Goldsmith. Just announced as the co-winner of the Freedom of Expression Award from the National Board of Review (and also named one of their Five Best Documentaries of the Year), winner last week of the Special Jury Award at IDFA, and in contention for the Best Documentary Oscar, The Most Dangerous Man In America will begin to roll out theatrically in February, 2010, in cities across the country. First Run has acquired all theatrical, semi-theatrical, home video and internet rights.

In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, a high-level Pentagon official and Vietnam War strategist, concludes that the war is based on decades of lies and leaks 7,000 pages of top secret documents to The New York Times, making headlines around the world.

The Most Dangerous Man In America is the riveting story of how one man’s profound change of heart created a landmark struggle involving America’s newspapers, its president and Supreme Court – a political thriller whose events led directly to Watergate, Nixon’s resignation and the end of the Vietnam War. With Daniel Ellsberg, Patricia Ellsberg, Tony Russo, Howard Zinn, Hedrick Smith, John Dean, and, from the secret White House tapes, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, who called Ellsberg “the most dangerous man in America.”

The Most Dangerous Man In America had Oscar-qualifying theatrical runs in New York and Los Angeles in September; First Run will bring back the film to those cities and open it in other cities around the country. Stay tuned for dates and venues.

Judith Ehrlich and Rick Goldsmith, co-producers and co-directors of The Most Dangerous Man In America, are nationally known documentary filmmakers whose cogent and inspirational films deal with the themes of personal risk, conscience, dissent and commitment to ideals.

Goldsmith produced and directed the Academy-Award nominated documentary feature Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press, a piercing look at censorship and suppression in the media, which was broadcast nationwide on public television and on the Sundance Channel. He co-directed Everyday Heroes, an incisive profile of AmeriCorps (the domestic Peace Corps), and wrote and edited Soul of Justice: Thelton Henderson’s American Journey, about the pioneering and controversial African-American jurist.

Ehrlich co-produced and co-directed the ITVS documentary, The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It, a story of men guided by principle to take the unpopular position of pacifism in the face of World War II. This revealing look at questions of war, conscience, activism and the spiritual life of committed individuals was broadcast nationally on PBS in 2002 and 2007. In 2003, The Good War won both major US history film awards and was selected for over a dozen major international film festivals.

Co-Director Rick Goldsmith said, “First Run impressed us with their enthusiasm for our film’s content, themes and story-telling. Their track record of promoting films of social and political import is unparalleled in the industry.”

Co-Director Judith Ehrlich added, “First Run demonstrated a unique level of enthusiasm and understanding of the film’s potential for sparking an important national dialogue critical both today and in the months ahead.”

First Run Features VP Marc Mauceri commented, “We’re thrilled beyond words about having the chance to work with Judy and Rick on the release of one of the most enthralling and entertaining documentaries we’ve seen in years.” First Run Features is a leading distributor of documentary and foreign art house films that recently celebrated its 30th anniversary with a retrospective at the Film Society of Lincoln Center.

Author: manlymovies

Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!

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