Eat A Bunch Of Food For A Day And We'll Reveal Which Disney Sidekick You Are
Donuts have big Olaf energy!
Donuts have big Olaf energy!
Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!
Hollywood, CA (August 28, 2009) — Big Screen Entertainment (OTC:BSEG) has announced that its new documentary, “William Shatner’s Gonzo Ballet,” has been accepted into four more film festivals, spanning three countries, with even more fests on the horizon. We are certainly pleased with the enthusiastic critical response to Gonzo Ballet,” stated Big Screen CEO Kimberley…
I would do anything for Gonzo. View Entire Post › Author: manlymovies Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!
“I feel the need to clarify this.” View Entire Post › Author: manlymovies Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!
For years, Jasmila Zbanic hoped someone else would dramatize the worst atrocity of the Balkan wars. Instead, she did so with “Quo Vadis, Aida?” and it has been nominated for an Oscar. Author: ALEX MARSHALL
Daniel Kaluuya won best supporting actor in a film for his performance as the Black Panther leader Fred Hampton in “Judas and the Black Messiah.” The award for best animated film went to “Soul.” Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were on opposite coasts, but still barbed. Author: THE NEW YORK TIMES