Generate and Milo Ventimiglia’s DiVide Pictures Form Digital Pact for Branded Entertainment

Milo VentimigliaActor/Producer Will Develop and Co-Produce Content for Brands Looking to Engage Digital-Centric Male Audiences

Los Angeles, Calif (July 24, 2009) — Generate, a forward-thinking media and entertainment company serving youth and family audiences, has partnered with DiVide Pictures, the multiplatform production company and comic book publisher co-founded by actor/producer Milo Ventimiglia (Heroes) and producer Russ Cundiff, to produce entertainment content for brands looking to reach DiVide’s native young male audience across digital platforms.

Five year-old DiVide – which has produced original series and multiplatform brand campaigns for American Eagle, Cadillac and GQ – recently announced production on Ultradome, a scripted digital series born from Ventimiglia’s lifelong affinity for comic book culture and science fiction, two communities he is considered an iconic member of thanks, in part, to his roles on Heroes and as a publisher of fanboy-favorite comics Berserker and REST.

For its part, Generate – itself a former producing partner to American Eagle – will co-produce all brand-sponsored digital programming concepts developed by DiVide, which has moved its operations to be housed within Generate’s Santa Monica offices.

“Ever since I met Milo at The WB as a young actor on Gilmore Girls, I was struck by his professional ambition and passion for creating entertainment that he and his peer group found engaging,” said Generate CEO, Jordan Levin. “Milo and Russ share Generate’s vision of brands and content converging in the digital space which is an innovative opportunity for any company trying to activate DiVide’s core fan base of ‘media multitasking’ young males.”

“Many are aware of my professional history with Jordan, and I am excited to be working with him again and with the smart creative team he has assembled at Generate,” said Ventimiglia. “Russ and I are very much looking forward to exploring the opportunities this partnership brings to DiVide.”

Generate recently collaborated with Bradley & Montgomery to produce Microsoft’s hit ‘Browser for the Better’ viral ad campaign for IE8 and will premiere its sponsored multi-generational Web drama, The Lake, for on August 10.

Author: manlymovies

Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!

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