Seattle-Based Musician, Speaker and Producer Premieres New Film at Silverdocs and Earns Rave Reviews

Greg Bennick, Producer of the Philosopher KingsGreg Bennick, a nationally recognized speaker, film producer and musician based in Seattle, is just back from premiering his acclaimed film “The Philosopher Kings” at the AFI/Discovery Channel Silverdocs Film Festival in Washington, D.C.

Seattle, WA (July 2, 2009) Greg Bennick, a nationally recognized speaker, film producer and musician based in Seattle, is just back from premiering his acclaimed film “The Philosopher Kings” at the AFI/Discovery Channel Silverdocs Film Festival in Washington, D.C.

The film’s premiere was sold out, as was a second screening that played to an audience of 400 people. The film was brought back for a unique third screening by audience request. Bennick, the producer of the film, was on-hand for an extensive question-and-answer session with each audience.

“The Philosopher Kings” offers a voice for those in our society who would otherwise be voiceless, invisible, and ignored. The film explores the kind of wisdom that gets us through our day-to-day lives, giving us perspective on how to view our lives as seen through the suffering and hardships that others have survived. To seek out this knowledge, Bennick and his team profiled eight extraordinary people who work at prestigious U.S. universities…as custodians. The film documents their lives in these halls of wisdom, exploring their triumphs and tragedies in a poignant, moving and insightful way. The film will now tour the United States, as a means of inspiring young people to look differently at who their heroes are, what defines a hero, and how we marginalize or overlook people as a result of culturally ingrained stereotyping.

“The Philosopher Kings is a deeply human exploration of the people we never see,” said Jason Silva, host/producer of Current TV. “Look out for it. It’s brilliant!”

The Philosopher Kings was produced by Transcendental Media, an independent motion picture company based in Long Beach, Calif. and Seattle with whom Bennick partners on important creative projects.

Bennick, 38, launched his career after earning a fine arts degree from Cornish College of the Arts. Since 1995, he’s been the lead singer of the straight-edge hardcore band Trial, based in Seattle. Two years ago, he garnered international acclaim as producer of the award-winning documentary, “Flight from Death.” He is the co-founder of the global World Leaders Project, which has initiated important dialogue on human violence with world leaders. He has addressed more than two million people around the world as a speaker and musician. Greg Bennick’s website is

The Philosopher Kings website is

To view a trailer of the movie, see

Author: manlymovies

Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!

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