Steroid Celluloid On Film: The Runaways
Steroid Celluloid’s Q&A with Michael Shannon and the director of The Runaways.
Steroid Celluloid’s Q&A with Michael Shannon and the director of The Runaways.
Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!
Name a more iconic duo than Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. I dare you. View Entire Post › Author: manlymovies Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!
To celebrate four decades of intense moviemaking, we asked writers to share their favorite scenes from the director’s career. Author: manlymovies Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!
Still looking for things to watch? Go out on a limb with these titles. Author: Jason Bailey
Hey yo, Bong Bong! 🎶 View Entire Post › Author: manlymovies Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!
Because the PGA ballot and voting body are similar to the academy’s, the victory could portend Oscar gold. Author: KYLE BUCHANAN
Steroid Celluloid’s Q&A with Edward Norton and the directors of By the People: The Election of Barack Obama. Author: manlymovies Manly Movies Rule! Movies for guys who like movies!